Building a brighter tomorrow—today
Tax & Legal
Tax is the way in which the business entity contributes a portion of its profits / sales towards the growth of the economy in which it operates. Legal department ensure the entity is in compliance with all norms of the economy in which it operates.
Transfer Pricing
When you operate in more than one economy, it is a ethical practice to contribute towards growth of all the economies in which you operate. Transfer Pricing makes sure that the business entity contributes a fair portion of its profits to all the economies in which the business entity operates, rather than benefiting one economy.
Audit & Assurance
Audit is a view provided by a set of independent professionals on the day to day financial affairs of the company. It gives Assurance to the owners of the business entity about its financial performance.
International Taxation
Having business in more than one economy, mandates the business entity to pay tax in all the economies. International tax laws would ease the tax liability of the business entity with its various treaties between two or more economies, and thus avoiding double taxation of the profits earned by an entity.

What we do
We provide tailor made solutions for all our customers which would suit them the best. Everything we do is aimed at creating ethical and hazard-less environment for the business entity to give its best results.

CA Kaushik Sridharan
Partner - Chennai

CA Phanindra Kumar Vaka
Partner - Hyderabad